Few subjects in Scripture are so important or so poorly understood as those that relate to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. His ministry is central to the accomplishment of every facet of God's purpose, and is crucial in every aspect of the believer's life. This book contains an introductory chapter dealing with the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and chapters on the baptism, the gifts, the fulness, and the fruit of the Spirit. In each of these areas, the teaching of God's Word is clearly, concisely, and helpfully stated. This book will be of help to anyone who wishes to steer a safe path through the maze of unscriptural teaching, and to arrive at a biblical understanding of this vital subject.
About the author:
Frank McConnell
was born in Oldham, Lancashire. He was saved at the age of 15 and, after a successful career in business, was commended to the Lord's work in 1952. Shortly afterwards he moved with his family to Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe), from where he travelled widely ministering the Word of God throughout central and southern Africa. His final years were spent in the Western Cape, South Africa, where he was widely used in the ministry of the Word of God.
Book Reviews:
The Holy Spirit - By Frank McConnell
100 pages will never be enough to teach everything there is to know on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit; however, this is a great book to use as an introduction. There are five chapters dealing with the subject under the headings of; The Baptism of the Spirit; The Gifts of the Spirit; The Fulness of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit.
The last two chapters are very challenging in their teaching of the Filling of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit. This book acts as a companion volume to Partial or Perfect by Dr R H Saxe.
Frank McConnell, originally from England, laboured as a teacher of the Word of God among assemblies in Southern Africa, spending his former years in Zimbabwe and his latter years in the Western Cape, where I knew him personally and enjoyed many discussions with him on the Scriptures before he passed away in the early 1980s.
The devotional sweetness and exegetical clarity makes this book pleasant and profitable reading for all age groups.
Reviewed by Walter A. Boyd
100 pages will never be enough to teach everything there is to know on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit; however, this is a great book to use as an introduction. There are five chapters dealing with the subject under the headings of; The Baptism of the Spirit; The Gifts of the Spirit; The Fulness of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit.
The last two chapters are very challenging in their teaching of the Filling of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit. This book acts as a companion volume to Partial or Perfect by Dr R H Saxe.
Frank McConnell, originally from England, laboured as a teacher of the Word of God among assemblies in Southern Africa, spending his former years in Zimbabwe and his latter years in the Western Cape, where I knew him personally and enjoyed many discussions with him on the Scriptures before he passed away in the early 1980s.
The devotional sweetness and exegetical clarity makes this book pleasant and profitable reading for all age groups.
Reviewed by Walter A. Boyd
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