This book contains fifty-two meditations on the great subject of 'His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord'. These meditations began life as a series of weekly e-mails during Covid-19 lockdown restrictions. During those difficult days, these emails were an encouragement and blessing to many of God's people around the world and they are now collected here in book format in the hope that in this more permanent format, they will continue to help God's people appreciate the excellencies and glories of the Lord Jesus Christ. Although each of these meditations is intended to be read at a sitting, this should not be taken as a sign that they are insubstantial or superficial. Rather, the careful reader will find much material for meditation and many prompts for further consideration of the One Who loved us and gave Himself up for us (Eph. 5:2).
About the author:
Walter Boyd
and his wife, Maud, were commended to serve the Lord in 1990 and after spending nine years in Cape Town, South Africa, they returned to reside in Northern Ireland. Walter continues in the work of the Lord in gospel preaching and the ministry of God's Word, as well as the production of teaching literature through Scripture Teaching Library.
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