Fragments From The Feasts - Scripture Teaching Library Ltd
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Fragments From The Feasts by Jack Strahan


Well over three millennia have now passed since the Lord gave instruction to Moses concerning the Feasts of Jehovah. These Feasts were not only joyful festive occasions for the Jewish nation but they were fundamentally prophetic in nature. They pointed forward to the redemptive work that His beloved Son would accomplish and also to the future for the nation of Israel to whom they were committed. In relation to the prophetic aspect of the Feasts, some of them have been fulfilled. Others remain to be fulfilled, however their fulfilment is absolutely certain.

The Feasts were first and foremost for the nation of Israel. However, "whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning" Rom. 15:4. Regrettably, at various times in their history, the nation of Israel neglected the Feasts of Jehovah. When they returned again to keep the Feasts it brought "great gladness" 2 Chr. 30:21 and "very great gladness" Neh. 8:17.

Israel's neglect of God's precious truth stands as a warning to us. It is the desire of the author that these pages will stir an interest in God's people to appreciate the truth of the Feasts and, more importantly, the One who is the centre of them. A careful and thoughtful reading of "Fragments from the Feasts" will invoke greater appreciation of the Divine purpose in redemption and of the One in Whom it is centred, His beloved Son. Undoubtedly this will elicit from redeemed hearts "very great gladness".
About the author:

Jack Strahan

a native of Broughshane, Co. Antrim was, for many years, a well known surgeon in the Erne Hospital in Co. Fermanagh. A wide Christian readership is already well acquainted with him through his two books on "Hymns and their Writers". For more than 50 years he has been a regular visitor to Israel and has a detailed knowledge of the land and its history, geography and archaeology.
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