The book of Daniel is among the most challenging in the Canon of Scripture. With its apocalyptic form, its combination of narrative, vision and exposition the book has often seemed baffling and bewildering. In spite of this, it is a book that we ignore at our peril. It records vast and vital revelations given to a man who, far from his home and loved ones, faithfully served his God with the utmost of his ability, and in the circumstances where God had placed him. To this man were given some of the most important and far-reaching prophetic revelations recorded in the Word of God. His Prophecy provides us with a Divine overview of history as it relates to the Gentile empires, and reveals the prophetic future of the nation of Israel in the seventy weeks, so often described as the backbone of Bible prophecy.
This new commentary, by a respected expositor of Scripture, is among the most detailed and comprehensive studies of Daniel available. With his trademark precision and clarity, Jim Allen leads us through the Book of Daniel, not only expounding the passages in their context, but also highlighting links with other prophetic Scriptures. This book presents the fruit of years of careful, painstaking study of this important and challenging book, and will be of great benefit to any serious student of God's Word.
This new commentary, by a respected expositor of Scripture, is among the most detailed and comprehensive studies of Daniel available. With his trademark precision and clarity, Jim Allen leads us through the Book of Daniel, not only expounding the passages in their context, but also highlighting links with other prophetic Scriptures. This book presents the fruit of years of careful, painstaking study of this important and challenging book, and will be of great benefit to any serious student of God's Word.
About the author:

Jim Allen
has devoted the past 45 years of his life to full time service in preaching the gospel and teaching the Word of God. From 1968 to 1973 he served the Lord in Malaysia. Today he preaches the gospel and ministers the Word of God throughout the British Isles as well the United States, Canada and many other parts of the world. He is the author of commentaries on First Timothy and Revelation in the What the Bible Teaches series (John Ritchie).
Book Reviews:
Daniel Reconsidered: The Key to the Divine Timetable - By Jim Allen (Lisburn, Northern Ireland: Scripture Teaching Library, 2013)
One of the greatest, well-known personalities of the Bible is Daniel. His notoriety casts a very large and extensive shadow. Because of his faithfulness in the face of severe adversity while in captivity, there are few places his fame has not gone. Even more remarkable, the book he authored provides some of the most explicit details of what is going to happen in the future and when it will take place. It provides what everyone wants to know.
Over the past few decades, few commentaries on the book of Daniel have been as well-written as Daniel Reconsidered. Author Jim Allen, utilizing descriptive and insightful expression, has opened the door of understanding to this great prophecy with clarity of thought, precision of argument, and easy-to-follow explanation. Although it is written from a premillennial perspective, opposing viewpoints are explained and critiqued in an honest, gracious manner.
What makes Allen's work so valuable is his attention to detail. His knowledge of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages allows him to painstakingly assess each aspect of the text. Nowhere is that more evident than in his treatment of 9:24-27, which he describes as "The Backbone of Prophecy." No stone is left unturned; every conclusion is described, supported.
Here are some additional, significant contributions:
- Historical facts are seamlessly woven into the discussion
- The interpretation of the text drives his outline
- Well-crafted segues provide a flow to the text and make his thoughts easy to follow
- Each chapter begins with an outline that highlights the overall thrust of that chapter and explains its relationship to the book as a whole
- Contrary viewpoints are given just treatment
- An array of helpful charts and graphs are incorporated
- Difficult passages are given further treatment in beneficial excurses
- Though rigorous in research, he provides pastoral insights of the text where appropriate
- Similar themes in Zechariah and Revelation are referenced and explicated
Daniel Reconsidered is a must read for every pastor and student of the Word. The depth and breadth are remarkable, providing a thorough, technical treatment in a non-technical, easy-to-understand fashion. Mr. Allen is to be commended for providing such a foundational understanding to this extraordinary and relevant prophecy.
One of the greatest, well-known personalities of the Bible is Daniel. His notoriety casts a very large and extensive shadow. Because of his faithfulness in the face of severe adversity while in captivity, there are few places his fame has not gone. Even more remarkable, the book he authored provides some of the most explicit details of what is going to happen in the future and when it will take place. It provides what everyone wants to know.
Over the past few decades, few commentaries on the book of Daniel have been as well-written as Daniel Reconsidered. Author Jim Allen, utilizing descriptive and insightful expression, has opened the door of understanding to this great prophecy with clarity of thought, precision of argument, and easy-to-follow explanation. Although it is written from a premillennial perspective, opposing viewpoints are explained and critiqued in an honest, gracious manner.
What makes Allen's work so valuable is his attention to detail. His knowledge of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages allows him to painstakingly assess each aspect of the text. Nowhere is that more evident than in his treatment of 9:24-27, which he describes as "The Backbone of Prophecy." No stone is left unturned; every conclusion is described, supported.
Here are some additional, significant contributions:
- Historical facts are seamlessly woven into the discussion
- The interpretation of the text drives his outline
- Well-crafted segues provide a flow to the text and make his thoughts easy to follow
- Each chapter begins with an outline that highlights the overall thrust of that chapter and explains its relationship to the book as a whole
- Contrary viewpoints are given just treatment
- An array of helpful charts and graphs are incorporated
- Difficult passages are given further treatment in beneficial excurses
- Though rigorous in research, he provides pastoral insights of the text where appropriate
- Similar themes in Zechariah and Revelation are referenced and explicated
Daniel Reconsidered is a must read for every pastor and student of the Word. The depth and breadth are remarkable, providing a thorough, technical treatment in a non-technical, easy-to-understand fashion. Mr. Allen is to be commended for providing such a foundational understanding to this extraordinary and relevant prophecy.
This will be an excellent reference work which I recommend to all preachers, and an interesting read even for the average student of prophecy.
Definitely one of the best commentaries on a very important book. Well recommended.
Colin Le Noury,
Prophetic Witness
Definitely one of the best commentaries on a very important book. Well recommended.
Colin Le Noury,
Prophetic Witness
Paperback, 689 pages.
Those who have read or referenced Allen’s commentary on the book of Revelation in the What the Bible Teaches series will readily recognize that it is one of the best. This long anticipated ‘prophetic sequel’ on the book of Daniel will prove to be of similar ilk. There is meticulous attention to detail, a lucid style of writing, and comprehensive discussion of the more controversial scriptures and their various interpretations that have been propagated throughout the years. The reader is never left in any doubt as to the author’s view, and his arguments are most persuasive.
First and foremost, this is a commentary. Every verse is treated in detail, and Allen first seeks to give the sense of the original Hebrew before interpreting the verse or section in its historical and prophetic context. In addition, there are charts and maps, and a series of appendices, such as the ‘History of Judah’ and ‘The Maccabees and their Times’. Some chapters have their own excurses or preliminary questions, which are of great interest and ensure that no stone is left unturned. One such excursus is entitled: ‘Why does Scripture make no reference to a Revived Roman Empire?’ It would be useful to see these listed as an addition to the contents page of future editions.
There are many points of particular interest which could be included in this review, but here follows just two:
Many will agree with Mr Allen’s support of Sir Robert Anderson’s calculations in relation to Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy (Dan. 9). It is concluded, from scripture, that the prophecy begins with the decree of Artaxerxes issued to Nehemiah (1st Nisan 445 BC, Neh. 2. 1-9, Dan. 9. 25) and the 69th week ends 173,880 days later when the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem (10th Nisan AD 32).
However, not all will agree with the suggestion that the Antichrist is the False Prophet of Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 rather than the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 3-4. In addition, the identification of the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7 with future kingdoms, such as a possible British-American coalition (lion with eagle’s wings, Dan. 7. 4) will not be met with unanimous support. Yet, all of Allen’s suggestions are very carefully presented, and, most importantly, fully supported by careful exegesis and references to many other scriptures.
All in all, this commentary is a must for every serious student of prophecy, or the book of Daniel. It uses very recent worldwide political events to indicate the nearness of the fulfilment of these prophecies, and seeks to exalt the person of the Lord Jesus. The book is well published, and, in my opinion, sensibly priced. It will sit very comfortably next to J. F. Walvoord’s classic Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation. This reviewer, for one, only hopes that the book will get the circulation it deserves. Very highly recommended.
Credits: Review by Daniel Rudge - Precious Seed
Paperback, 689 pages.
Those who have read or referenced Allen’s commentary on the book of Revelation in the What the Bible Teaches series will readily recognize that it is one of the best. This long anticipated ‘prophetic sequel’ on the book of Daniel will prove to be of similar ilk. There is meticulous attention to detail, a lucid style of writing, and comprehensive discussion of the more controversial scriptures and their various interpretations that have been propagated throughout the years. The reader is never left in any doubt as to the author’s view, and his arguments are most persuasive.
First and foremost, this is a commentary. Every verse is treated in detail, and Allen first seeks to give the sense of the original Hebrew before interpreting the verse or section in its historical and prophetic context. In addition, there are charts and maps, and a series of appendices, such as the ‘History of Judah’ and ‘The Maccabees and their Times’. Some chapters have their own excurses or preliminary questions, which are of great interest and ensure that no stone is left unturned. One such excursus is entitled: ‘Why does Scripture make no reference to a Revived Roman Empire?’ It would be useful to see these listed as an addition to the contents page of future editions.
There are many points of particular interest which could be included in this review, but here follows just two:
Many will agree with Mr Allen’s support of Sir Robert Anderson’s calculations in relation to Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy (Dan. 9). It is concluded, from scripture, that the prophecy begins with the decree of Artaxerxes issued to Nehemiah (1st Nisan 445 BC, Neh. 2. 1-9, Dan. 9. 25) and the 69th week ends 173,880 days later when the Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem (10th Nisan AD 32).
However, not all will agree with the suggestion that the Antichrist is the False Prophet of Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 rather than the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 3-4. In addition, the identification of the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7 with future kingdoms, such as a possible British-American coalition (lion with eagle’s wings, Dan. 7. 4) will not be met with unanimous support. Yet, all of Allen’s suggestions are very carefully presented, and, most importantly, fully supported by careful exegesis and references to many other scriptures.
All in all, this commentary is a must for every serious student of prophecy, or the book of Daniel. It uses very recent worldwide political events to indicate the nearness of the fulfilment of these prophecies, and seeks to exalt the person of the Lord Jesus. The book is well published, and, in my opinion, sensibly priced. It will sit very comfortably next to J. F. Walvoord’s classic Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation. This reviewer, for one, only hopes that the book will get the circulation it deserves. Very highly recommended.
Credits: Review by Daniel Rudge - Precious Seed
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