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The Collected Writings Of William Rodgers
Volume Two
The second volume of his Collected Writings contains the third series of outline Bible Lessons. These notes were originally written to assist local Sunday School teachers, and were subsequently published, first in The Christian Worker, and then in book form. These outlines, in the author's own words 'are not meant to take the place, either of the teacher's own preparation of his subject, or of his mode of presenting it; but to help him in both, by rendering it more interesting to himself.' The outlines will still prove beneficial to Sunday School teachers, but their value is not limited to this. Mr Rodgers outlines of a wide range of Scripture are clear, incisive, and thought-provoking, and are useful reading for any - and all - believers. The volume also includes Bible questions and gospel answers.
About the author:

William Rodgers
of Omagh (1879-1951) was a highly regarded preacher and teacher of the Word of God. In addition to his spoken ministry, he was a gifted writer, whose works of exposition still retain their freshness and usefulness. Scripture Teaching Library is privileged to be able to make Mr Rodgers' writings (most of which have long been difficult to obtain) available to a new generation of Bible students.
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