Since the time of the institution, the Lord's Supper has held a place of importance in the teaching and practice of the Christian faith. In one sense it seems strange that a subject of such importance and sacred solemnity should have become the centre of bitter controversy over the centuries of Church history. It is also strange that through those centuries its straightforward instructions have been tampered with to the extent the ordinance is unrecognisable in many circles. There is nothing sweeter than the observance of the Lord's Supper in its original simplicity. Yet, in another sense its attack is to be expected for anything that is fundamental and precious to the Church will always be a target for the enemy. This consideration of the Bible's teaching about the significance of the Supper and its instructions for its observation will help believers young and old to grasp more firmly the Scriptural pattern of the Supper and the meaning that it so simply and profoundly conveys, and to appreciate more fully the privilege and the responsibility of remembering the Lord in His appointed way.
About the author:
Walter Boyd
and his wife, Maud, were commended to serve the Lord in 1990 and after spending nine years in Cape Town, South Africa, they returned to reside in Northern Ireland. Walter continues in the work of the Lord in gospel preaching and the ministry of God's Word, as well as the production of teaching literature through Scripture Teaching Library.
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